
Showing posts with label Muhammad Iqbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muhammad Iqbal. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Is Luck Hereditary?

Today morning my very same friend came up with the idea that luck is hereditary. I can understand that he reached this conclusion based upon what he sees around himself. He must have noticed the offsprings of rich people enjoying life and living at a standard much above 99% of the remaining population. However I once again felt that I should disagree based upon two major issues.

The first one was what the history, the real history excluding last two hundred years shows us. Starting from three great prophets who changed the world forever, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad one can see that none of them was born lucky. Moses, raised at enemy's home under threat, Jesus born to a lone mother who was not among the lucky ones and Muhammad who was born 6 months after death of his father. But all these great people changed human civilization for ever although with the help of divine force. Does it mean that divine force acts irrespective of your birth status? Then came other great people in history, the scientists, inventors, writers and founders of great countries, none was born lucky. 

Second issue is how you define luck. Is it something related to financial gain, fame or just doing something that matters? For me it is the very last one. However people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have shown that all three are possible without being born lucky. Luck starts to work on your side once you start to focus on something. The best way to become lucky is to decide 'what you do'. 

Secret was a great hit both in printing press and screen. It basically revolved around the concept of faith and wish. In simple words you have to be very careful about  what you wish to achieve and then you must have faith, that it is worth struggling and achieving. Great teachers of our times like Jack Cranfield or Bob Proctor started their lives from scratch but once they decided what they wanted to do, the path was clear.

One of the greatest teacher of Secret was great philosopher of last century, Sir. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. He believed that even fate can be changed through self esteem. I'll be sharing  his teachings in coming blogs.